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How We Give

Our clients can be confident that they’re choosing an advisor committed to giving back. We are excited to hear about what causes you support!

Giving Back is Important to Us

We strive to be good stewards of the gifts that God has given us, using our resources to better the world we live in. This includes our time, talent, and treasures.

At Avant Financial Advisors we give the first 10% of our profit to charity.  We pick the charities each year based on the causes that are important to our clients.  We’re delighted to honor our clients by setting an example of generosity.

Below are some of the charities we supported this past year.

Church Employees

Our lives have been enriched by many pastors and employees in the Christian church who have mentored us through the years. We highly respect and honor those who give their lives in service to the Church, so we offer discounted services to church employees.  Please contact us for more information.

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